Self Referral Form

When you complete this form, our team of advisors will set you up on our system and contact you to arrange for an assessment. This session will help you and the therapist to better understand your difficulties and make a plan for which treatment or service would be most suitable for you. To avoid disappointment please note:
NHS Talking Therapies staff are not trained to work with people with serious mental illness, such as bipolar, psychosis or personality disorder.
NHS Talking Therapies staff are trained in guided self-help and short-term psychological therapies for people with low mood/depression, anxiety disorders and if the Long Term Conditions we work with are impacting on wellbeing.
NHS Talking Therapies services do not provide support for addictions such as gambling, porn, drug or alcohol misuse, anger management or work directly on childhood abuse or complex trauma.
Please speak to your GP if you feel you need support with the above.
We are not a crisis service. If you need immediate help to keep yourself or others safe please call NHS 111, your GP, or go to your local Accident & Emergency department. If you feel yourself or others are at imminent risk of physical harm please call 999.
* = Mandatory Fields

Personal Details

Additional Information

About You

WHAT TO EXPECT: We aim to call you within 24 hours of receiving your referral to book in your assessment.
Once your assessment has been booked, Your therapist will then call you on the mobile number you have provided. Your assessment should take about upto 45 minutes depending on your assessment preference. Please be somewhere you feel comfortable talking for the duration and not driving. This should be confidential space.
If you have provided an email address you will be sent some mood questionnaires to your email inbox in advance of your appointment. Please can you complete these in advance for your therapist to view.
Please specify the times/dates that you CANNOT complete your assessment within the next 7 days in the box below:
By completing and submitting this form you are consenting for your information to be stored on our confidential service database. This information is held securely and is not viewed by anyone outside of Turning Point.
Please be aware if you do not give consent, we may still need to speak to other professionals if we feel there is any risk of harm to or from yourself or others, or where a crime has been committed. We would always try to contact you first before making such a decision.
For more details on how your information is stored and shared and other terms and conditions, please visit our Ts and Cs page by copy and pasting this link into another web browser window