Self Referral Form

Sheffield Talking Therapies Self Referral Form

Please note to access our service you must be aged 18 or above and will need to either be a resident or be registered with a GP in Sheffield or have a Sheffield Consultant if you are accessing our Health and Wellbeing Service.
If you are unsure which Talking Therapies service covers your area, please either use this link or arrange to speak to your GP.
Sheffield Talking Therapies is not an urgent or crisis service therefore this referral form should not be used if you require urgent support. If you are worried about immediate risk of harm to yourself or others, please speak to your GP. Alternatively, you can also contact the following services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: NHS 111 and select the mental health option, and the Samaritans (116 123)
This referral form is not monitored outside of 9-5pm Monday to Friday.
* this information is required


Talking Therapies staff are not trained to work with people with serious mental illness, such as bipolar or personality disorder.
Talking Therapies staff are trained in guided self-help and short-term therapy for people with low mood/depression, anxiety disorders and if the Long Term Conditions we work with are impacting on wellbeing.
Talking Therapies services do not provide support for drug or alcohol misuse, anger management or work directly on childhood abuse or complex trauma.
If Talking Therapies was recommended by a health care professional or you are a health care professional referring this person please can you tell us:

Your details

If you do not have a phone number for our team to contact you, please phone them on 0114 2264380 to arrange a referral.
Please note: We use your email address to confirm appointments only. If you do not have an email address, please input the following:
We will send you some questionnaires to complete about your mood before your initial appointment. If you do not wish to receive these by email please contact us to let us know.
Emails from our service may go straight in to your junk mail or spam folder. The email address our questionnaires comes from is: '' please can you add this email address to your safe list and check your junk/spam folder for any confirmation emails from us.

GP Details

Further information

How we can help you

What will happen next

If you have selected one of our courses on this self-referral form, you will be invited to book an assessment call first with one of our Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners. This will allow you to find out some more information about the course and make sure it is the right treatment for you. You will receive a link via text message to choose a day and time that is convenient for your call.
If you have selected a telephone assessment with a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner, or you would like to access our online programme Silvercloud, you will receive a link via text message to choose a day and time that is convenient for your call.
If we feel another service would be more suitable to help you at this time, you will be contacted by a member of our duty team to discuss this further with you

How we store your information

In taking your details, we recognise the importance of personal privacy and make sure all information about you is held securely in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
This service keeps the information that you share on a dedicated computer system to ensure it is stored safely and securely under the Data Protection Act 2018. This is only accessed and used by the Talking Therapies team to plan and monitor your treatment. We may also want to share information with other professionals who need to be involved in your care to ensure that you receive the correct treatment at the right time and we will ask your permission to do this.
On occasions we may need to share information with other professionals without your permission if we are concerned about your safety, the safety of another person, or you inform us that you have/or are about to, commit a serious crime. Should this be the case we will always try to discuss this with you first and involve you in the process. For more information please read our information storing leaflet on our website.