Parent - Carer - Professional

About this referral

If you require immediate help, please call 999 / attend A&E or contact the Mental Health 24/7 Support Line (0808 196 3779). Further contact details can be found here:
This form is for parents/carers/professionals who want to arrange advice or support for a young person (age under 25) with a Nottingham City or Nottinghamshire County GP (excluding Bassetlaw – please use to identify the local services available in this area).
Please call us on 0115 708 0008 if you need help with making your referral.
The Be U Notts Service is here to give information, advice and support to young people who are struggling with mild to moderate mental health difficulties.
For example, they may:
• feel sad or hopeless
• have problems with family, friends or at school
• hurt themselves or have thoughts about hurting themselves
• feel anxious and scared
• have trouble sleeping
• feel angry or are struggling to control their behaviour or temper
• find it hard to concentrate
• find it hard building or maintaining relationships with friends
• have lots of worries
• do not like themselves or have low self-confidence
• have other things on their mind that they find difficult.
The Be U Notts Service has also an offer for parents / carers to help them support their young person.
After you have submitted this form, we will be in contact to discuss how we can help. We are currently experiencing huge demand for our services and are working hard to respond as quickly as possible.

Who is making this referral?

If Parent

So we can give you accurate and appropriate advice and support, we sometimes need to share the details you have provided with others such as your GP Practice, school, social work or any other services relevant to the support you and your young person might need.
By sending this referral form:
⬩ You give consent for the Be U Notts Service to share your details with relevant professionals /organisations to give you accurate and appropriate support.
You may withdraw this consent at any time, by writing to the Be U Notts Service Manager and asking for your referral to be cancelled. This will mean you / your young person will be discharged from the service and your referral will be closed on our secure patient database.
⬩ You agree that information provided will be stored on a secure Be U Notts database for a minimum of 2 years and to be used anonymously for monitoring purposes.

If Professional

Young Person’s Details

Contact details

If Parent/carer:
If young person:

GP Information

Other Information

If Yes
We will be in contact with the parent/carer or young person within 2 working days after receiving this form to discuss how we can help.