Easy Read Referral Form

If the answer is no please fill in our self referral form at gateway.mayden.co.uk/referral-v2/dec9c353-60f4-47d6-a4fa-2a4b16bc8a76
This form is a way for you to get free support and advice from your local talking therapies service.
The service is for people who are feeling sad or worried. We can help you to cope with how you are feeling.
We do not offer emergency support. If you need help right now please contact your:
• GP
• A & E department at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
• Call the Oxleas 24- hour Mental Health Crisis Line on 0800 330 8530
• Call 111
• Samaritans 116 123
Completing this form means you are happy for us to contact you.
You may need to ask someone you know well to help you complete the form.
If you need any help filling in this form, phone us on 0203 260 1100
We will contact you to arrange a time to ask you some more questions.
If you would like us to contact someone else this means your information will be shared with this person.