Self Referral Form

NHS Talking Therapies ( Isle of Wight ) is for residents aged sixteen and over, who are registered with an Island GP Practice.
If you need urgent help, please contact our crisis number on 01983 522214. Please be aware our crisis number is only available 7am-10pm. Outside these hours, please contact NHS 111.

May we first check…

If the answer is Yes, we’re sorry we are unable to accept a referral from you at the moment.
Please contact our crisis number on 01983 522214. Please be aware our crisis number is only available 7am-10pm. Outside these hours, please contact NHS 111.
If the answer is No, we’re sorry we are unable to accept a referral from you at the moment. Please contact your GP to discuss local services for children and young people.
If your answer is No, we’re sorry we are unable to accept a referral from you at the moment. Please visit the ‘Refer’ section of our website for help finding your local service.
If the answer is Yes, we’re sorry we are unable to accept a referral from you at the moment. If you need clarification, please contact us on 01983 532860.

How may we help you?

Tell us about you

How may we contact you?

We’d like to keep you updated about your care at every step.
Please complete at least one contact number.
The NHS uses an encryption feature for all emails to correspond securely.

Emergency contact

In the event of an emergency, please provide the details of someone who we can contact – ideally someone who lives nearby you.

Additional details

We ask these next questions to make sure we’re doing our best by reaching out to everyone in the community.

Your GP practice

We keep you informed about your appointments and care, and copies of these communications are sent to your GP to keep them updated.

How else could we help?

We support people with a wide range of needs, and we’d like to be as helpful as possible.

Data policy

NHS Talking Therapies ( Isle of Wight ) and Isle of Wight NHS Trust safely manage and share the information collected about you, in compliance with the Data Protection Act (2018) and the UK General Data Protection Regulation.
We keep the information that you share with us on a dedicated computer system to ensure that it is stored safely. Your information may also be accessed securely by other mental health services within Isle of Wight NHS Trust to plan and monitor your care. We may also want to share information with other professionals who need to be involved in your care, and in this event we will ask for your permission beforehand. We may need to share information with other professionals without your permission if we are concerned about your safety, the safety of another person, or you inform us that you have/or are about to commit a serious crime. Should this be the case we will discuss this with you first and involve you in the process if possible.
We will provide your GP with a copy of the letters that we send to you to keep your medical records updated, and we are required to send a limited amount of information relating to your care to NHS Digital who will remove your identifying details and use it to assist in the monitoring and the commissioning of mental health services in England.
If you have any questions about this policy - if you do not wish for your information to be shared with your GP, other mental health services or NHS Digital - please contact us on 01983 532860.
If your answer is No, please contact us on 01983 532860.
If you would like to contact NHS Talking Therapies ( Isle of Wight ) to discuss above - the telephone number is 01983 532860.

The final bit...

Review your information

Carefully review your information before submitting your referral. When you’re ready, click on the ‘Submit’ button below. We’ll let you know that we’ve received your information securely.